What is a Dental Laser?
Dental Laser is a high-technology device that generates a very specific beam of concentrated light. This beam of light focuses energy into your mouth to help Dr. Botbol remove areas of gum infection or tooth decay and artistically sculpts your gums with great precision and accuracy. The laser beam sterilizes the affected area and seals off blood vessels, which minimizes the chance of infection or bleeding. That means that laser dental patients are much more comfortable both during and after treatment. Furthermore, in many instances, with our laser, the need for anesthetic injections is reduced and in some instances eliminated, as well as the associated side effects. Bottom line-less time spent in the dental chair and you can enjoy the rest of your day without the effects of numbness!
Does it take special training to use a Dental Laser?
Yes it does. Dr. Botbol is certified by The Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) and has (rained with Dr. Frank Yung, Chairman of the certification board for the ALD. Furthermore, there are certifications of skills that demonstrate a wide knowledge of skills including not only about theory and safety but also showing techniques using the laser.
Are lasers new to dentistry?
The concept of lasers was first suggested by the great Albert Einstein. Shortly after the Invention of lasers in the early 1960s, lasers were used experimentally on the teeth and gums. Lasers have long been the standard of care in medicine for many surgical and cosmetic procedures such as LASIX, wrinkle removal, hair removal and many others. Both lasers used in our office have been approved for hard and soft tissue procedures. Dr. Botbol is one of the few Canadian dentists to have both a Hard and Soft tissue laser. i/Ve are able to perform hard and soft tissue procedures with less need for shots, anesthesia and drills.
How does Laser Dentistry reduce and eliminate pain?
Heat and vibration are the causes of most of the pain associated with the dental drill. Laser dentistry (with Erbium technology) combines laser energy with air-waterspray (a process called Hydrophotonics) to perform a wide variety of dental procedures more comfortably. There are 2 reasons for this:
- Laser energy, in well trained hands, makes teeth less sensitive
- Air-water laser cutting does not transmit heat or vibration
As a result the Waterlase is able to replace the drill in many instances. Furthermore, no longer will the sound of the drill to be heard, instead a popping sound similarto that of popcorn popping. The elimination of the unpleasant noises and vibrations, in combination with Hydrophotonics, makes laser dentistry certainly more comfortable and definitely the right choice for busy lives.
What types of procedures can laser do?
There are many different types of lasers used in dentistry, and their applications vary. i/Ve have 2 types of lasers (Hard & Soft tissue) at our practice.
- Non-surgical gum therapy. "Gummy Smile" repair without the need for surgery at the Gum Specialist
- Periodontal (gum) treatment.
- Smile design.
- Desensitizing teeth.
- Removing dental decay and old composite fillings.
- Sterilizing infected root canals.
- Bone shaping and crown lengthening.
- Apthous ulcer treatment.
- Apicoectomy
- Assisting oral surgery (often for removing teeth or placing implants).
- Creating ultra-conservative, microscopic fillings. Undoubtedly, lasers are the "wave of the future".