Cosmetic Dental Imaging
Dr. Botbol and the entire staff at our practice strive to bring you the best in cosmetic dentistry. One of the helpful tools we employ is dental imaging. At your initial visit we will take what we call records. This consists of a series of digital photographs, study models and necessary xrays. We will also spend time finding out what your goals are for your smile and dental health.
After we have had the time to evaluate your records and complete a smile analysis, we will have a second consult appointment, usually in a few days. Dr. Botbol will review your goals for your smile and together you will formulate a treatment plan that meets your goals, your timeframe and your budget. With the before photos, we can show you how your smile might look if enhanced with cosmetic dentistry. Whether you have spaces, broken teeth, discolored, crooked or irregular teeth, we can show you how wonderful you can look with a new smile designed for you. If you would like to see what is possible for your smile, give us a call.
With cosmetic dentistry by Dr. Botbol you can have the smile you have dreamed of. Using a combination of porcelain veneers,whitening and bonding your teeth can be reshaped and re-colored with a great deal of artistic flare.
Contact Us Today to Schedule your Consultation!
Call 416-800-2542 or click here.